This assortment of figurative works by the painter highlights pieces that diverge from specific series like «Match!» or «Dixit» yet remain pivotal in the artist’s formal exploration. These artworks represent significant junctures where the artist draws inspiration from Italian Renaissance art, showcasing a profound technical mastery of their craft. Functioning as noteworthy catalysts, these pieces often mark the inception of the artist’s innovative inquiries and experimentation with various styles and techniques.
Umarmmung 1,2,3, oil on canvas, 200x300cm, 2023
Babaganusch, oil on canvas, 450x190cm, 2023
La fattina gallarda, oil on canvas,100x100cm, 2023
Clara, oil on paper on canvas, 40x120cm, 2023
Baby Beuys, oil on canvas, 100x100cm, 2023
Atre, oil on canvas, 200x120cm, 2023